How to Create an Irresistible Offer

John Ajayi
2 min readOct 5, 2021


“What if I make him an offer he can’t refuse?”

You can’t but be captivated by the personality of Don Corleone. I have always been intrigued by the concept of the irresistible offer even before I read The Godfather. The people who sell the most on the internet have learnt the art of doing this.

I sell wristwatches online and I will paint a picture using it.

Someone who does not need a watch sees the ad video of a nice watch on Facebook. He clicks and he’s fascinated. Before seeing the video to the end, the landing page already loads.

He likes the watch but he starts to have objections.

  1. It’s a little pricey.

Price is never an issue when you can justify it. So, I throw in a nice bracelet. Of course, I won’t forget to tell you the price of the bracelet. I will also let you know that the watch comes in a box — that has 10x’ed the value.

2. I’m not buying this on Amazon or any trusted online store

I can deliver to your house and you pay on delivery. How about that?

3. What if it doesn’t last long?

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I am giving you a two-year guarantee.” Of course, not applicable to custom damage. Custom damage is caused by your carelessness or accidents.

That’s how I have been making offers hard for people to resist.

You can adapt this to whatever you sell. It works.

Read this next: 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making Sales.



John Ajayi

Walking through this adventure called life. Am I the only one who thinks this way or life is just like Jumanji without dinosaurs?